Department Governance


Faculty Annual Appraisal

​Faculty Resources

Workload Policy and Assignment of Merit

Faculty Appraisal System

Faculty Appraisal Tutorial Video​​

Staff Annual Appraisal

Staff Resources

Performance Management Overview

Performance Appraisal System​​

Promotion and Tenure

Promotion Interest

“It is the candidate’s responsibility to present his or her letter of intent to come up for promotion, accompanied by a tentative list of works to be evaluated along with a current c.v. and a statement on academic activity, to the Department Chairperson, with a copy to the Chair of the relevant promotion committee, by March 1. It is recommended that the candidate consult with the Department Chair and the Chair of the relevant promotion committee prior to presenting his or her application for promotion.” Departmental Policies on Promotion​

Promotion (Tenure Track and Continuing Track Faculty)

Departmental Policies on Promotion (2022)

Departmental Policies on Promotion (2017)

P&T Classroom Observation Recommendations

P&T DLLC Peer Observation Reporting Form

P&T Templates

Peer Reviews

Peer Reviews – Post Tenure (Tenure Track Faculty)

​Peer Review Policy & Procedure

Peer Reviews – Contract Renewals (Continuing Track Faculty)

​Peer Review Policy & Procedure

Peer Review Committee Resources

Classroom Peer Observation Guidelines for DLLC

Classroom Peer Observation Reporting Form